Sustainable Skincare
Doing more than our bit.
Step by step, little by little, we’re working alongside our customers to make a difference for the future of our planet. We’ve all got skin in the climate change game and when you choose our all-natural range of skincare products, you’re doing your bit too.
Throughout our journey we’ve questioned, “how can we do this better to care for future generations?” Here’s a run-down so you can be assured your skincare is an eco-friendly choice.
Our sustainable approach
Refill not landfill
Every year, 480 billion single-use bottles go into landfill, where they will stay for a horrifying 800 years. It takes 30 seconds to refill your Essentials Range containers with our bio-based, recyclable eco-pouches. Each time you fill up, you save one more bottle from going to landfill. Moving towards zero-waste can seem overwhelming, but every little bit helps.
Refillable plastics made from sugarcane
Your eco-refill skincare pouches are made from sugarcane, a fully renewable resource that grows quickly, removing carbon from the atmosphere in the process. These are also recyclable.
We work with Zero Waste by Terra Cycle
You can choose to return all your Au Natural Skinfood empty containers (or any other brand) by selecting one of our courier bags at time of purchase. Returning these ensures all empty products can be sorted, recycled and given a second life.
Your Au Natural Skinfood products are packaged in recyclable or refillable containers, we use recyclable cardboard packaging and environmentally friendly courier packaging with as few unnecessary layers as possible. Our Essentials Range come in refillable containers, which you can top up using our awesome renewable sugarcane based plastic refill pouches. We have chosen specific plastics for our hard containers. These have already had a previous life and can continue to have a future life after you have used them, as they include a minimum of 50% PCR or post consumer recycled plastic. These can be refilled or returned to us and we will arrange sustainable and specific recycling for them if your local kerbside recyclers cannot. Keep pushing your council, parliamentarians and senators for better recycling wherever you live!
Watch how Zero Waste by TerraCycle can help make a huge difference.Become an Au Natural Insider
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